Sandmahn Mattress Induced Tears of Joy in my Girlfriends’ Eyes

sandmahn mattressI did some interesting market research recently. While I am a firm believer and devotee of the Royal Pedic latex mattresses, our company decided to offer a very high quality memory foam mattress – the Sandmahn, which I put in our guest room. So when I had a girls’ reunion and sleep over, my houseguests were scattered through out my house. When they all gathered at breakfast and I politely inquired how they all slept, the person who slept on the Sandmahn waxed effusive that she had woken up without any pain, even though she had had her knees replaced recently. The other girlfriend who had slept on a Royal-Pedic said she had slept better than usual, but since she had had her hips replaced and still experienced pain, she wondered if the Sandmahn would be better; so my two friends swapped beds for the next night. The second girlfriend arrived at breakfast the next morning with tears in her eyes. She said she had woken up not entirely pain free, but it was such a remarkable improvement that it gave her some hope that she need not wake up in pain for the rest of her life!

Curious after my girlfriends left, I have tried out the Sandmahn memory foam mattress on many an occasion. There is no doubt it is supremely comfortable and does a good job at reducing early morning stiffness. My only personal caveat is when I want to move around the bed, the indentation in the memory foam takes a little while to regain its original shape and I found that disconcerting at first. It is a characteristic of all memory foam beds. So I will stay with my latex bed but if you have a lot of aches and pains, the Sandmahn starting at $4349.99 is well worth your consideration.
