Latex Mattress Compared to Memory Foam Mattresses

Latex Mattress Compared to Memory Foam Mattresses
Contributor: Tony Keleman, Royal-Pedic mattress manufacturing

Latex is not temperature sensitive. Most people consider that an advantage when looking at mattress fill. Temperature sensitive polyurethane foam is hard and gives a mattress a firm feel if the room temperature is cool. When room temperature is normal, or on the warm side, the foam gets very soft and non supportive. Additional problems with temperature sensitive foam are that your body heat and weight creates a mold into a mattress that your body is nestled in – some people call it a trough. If you try to roll from your back to your side you practically have to do a hand plant to push your body up so you can turn. In addition, temperature sensitive foam softens where there is the most body weight. Most of a person’s body weight is in the torso section. Many people complain that they feel like they are in a hammock like position because their torso is sinking into the mattress, creating a curve in the spine.

In comparison, the 7-Zone latex mattress has a firmer lumbar zone to prevent the spine from sagging. The non-temperature sensitive natural latex also means that the mattress will be the same level of firmness regardless of room temperature. Latex is a breathable material as well; temperature sensitive foam sleeps hot or clammy like. And further, the health aspects of latex are generally better received as the temperature sensitive foam out gasses vapors that for some people cause asthma attacks, or other allergic or chemically sensitive reactions.

Tony Kelemen
Royal-Pedic Mattress Manufacturing

Editor’s Note: See latex mattresses and mattress pads at
