Allergy Consumer is available as a free, online allergy solutions site. It contains allergy product reviews as well as the latest industry news such as best methods for mold removal, and medical articles. Please explore our archives, which is a treasure trove of product reviews and information. Gain advice on how to control your allergies (to dust mites, mold, mildew, pollen, odors, tobacco smoke, pet dander, cat, dog, chemicals and learn about asthma, sinusitis, MCS – multiple chemical sensitivities, or SAD (seasonal affective disorder). Allergy Consumer has a team of consumer testers who write reports on air purifiers, hepa vacuum cleaners, vapor steam cleaners, dehumidifiers, hypoallergenic bedding, down comforters, dust mite covers, mattress pads and encasings, bed linens, sheet sets, pillows, mattresses, humidifiers, water filters and more. This research team is diligent in their reviews and analysis of the leading and new healthy home products in this industry. Find a review on top brands such as Blueair, Airpura, Airfree, Miele vacuums, Sebo, Royal Pedic, Electrolux,  LadyBug, WhiteWing, Austin, Solus Organics and more.

Allergy Consumer is the brainchild of Mercia Tapping, an allergy sufferer who wanted to educate consumers about allergy relief products, as well as those for sinusitis pain relief and asthma symptoms control.

Her premise is that consumers need to know the pluses and minuses of the allergy relief products they are considering purchasing for allergy control. Her own personal research showed there are no perfect products; no silver bullet and no one single action you can take to achieve allergy, asthma, sinus infection, or sinusitis relief.

Many of the allergy products that are reviewed in our newsletter are sold on our sister site –