5 Eco-Friendly Spring Cleaning Tips

Helping Dad with some spring cleaning around the house

Spring cleaning has origins dating all the way back to ancient world where it was considered important to rid their homes of uncleanliness just before the New Year began, which was typically recognized in the spring. In modern times, it’s when we throw open the windows after a long winter and deep clean our homes. As you prepare to clean, consider these helpful eco-friendly spring cleaning green tips!

Spring Cleaning Green Tip #1 Use Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

This spring If you’re deep cleaning several of the surfaces in your home like counter tops, bathroom sinks, or even bathtubs, chances are the products you’re using have incredibly strong chemicals harmful to you and the environment. Our spring cleaning green tip would consider creating your own home cleaning products with ingredients like vinegar, lemon, and baking soda. Many of these solutions are what previous generation relied on before mass cleaning chemicals were ever produced.

The strong fumes released into the air from products like bleach can be dangerous to smell for long periods of time. If doing it yourself (DIY) cleaning supplies isn’t something you’re interested in, consider using eco-friendly cleaning supplies from trusted brands like Meyer’s.

Spring Cleaning Green Tip #2 Steam Clean Carpets and Furniture

Overtime carpets tend to get dirty no matter how often you vacuum. Pet stains, spills, and the affects of daily life cause carpets to wear down quickly. Rather than ripping up old carpet and tossing it, consider using a vacuum steam cleaner to remove stains and dirt. The steam and carpet cleaner solution will gently lift stubborn stains from the carpet and leave you with a healthier, cleaner surface.

Try using a steam cleaner on your fabric covered furniture as well. Reducing how much waste ends up in a landfill doesn’t stop with recycling plastic. If we can clean and continue using furniture for a longer period of time, it’s better for our bank accounts and the environment.

Spring Cleaning Green Tip #3 Air Purifier Replace Filters

Filters for everything from air purifiers to water purifiers need to be replaced or cleaned often to maintain the integrity of the machine’s air cleaning. Take a look at your air conditioner, air purifier, and any other equipment in your home that might need a filter replacement. Replacing your filter regularly is much more energy efficient and makes your air fresher.

Spring Cleaning Green Tip #4 Use an Air Purifier

If you aren’t using an air purifier already, then consider using one to help clean the air in your home. An air purifier removes toxins from the air as well as allergens, making it easier for you and your family to breathe. Allergy Buyers Club has many energy efficient air purifiers to choose from based on your needs and budget.

If you aren’t sure what to look for in an air purifier, here are some tips. Everything from the size of the room you need cleaned to the features you want can make a difference in what you end up buying.

Spring Cleaning Green Tip #5: Purify Your Home with the Right Products

Being eco-friendly starts with the right products and practices. At Allergy Buyers Club, we carefully select high quality products and won’t end up in a landfill after only a few uses. Browse our selection of air purifiers and more to find the right solution for your home.
