Ladybug Steam Cleaner – The New TANCS Process


Ladybug Steam Cleaner

Steam Cleaners – Ladybug Steam Cleaner with TANCS

The steam vapor system has always been used both to clean and sanitize a wide variety of surfaces in a single operation. And now it has been made even more effective with the innovative, patented “TANCS” addition to the LadyBug and LadyBugXL steam cleaner line. It is now the ultimate microbe killer – a chemical free disinfectant. These units with the “TANCS” system installed are unique because they are the only vapor steam units to have an EPA Establishment Number registering them as an official disinfectant device that can disinfect without the use of chemicals. With TANCS you can create a more pathogen* free home without using harmful chemicals (a pathogen refers to any microbes that can make you sick).

With this new process, the molecular shapes are restructured and the minerals that are present in regular tap or well water are being so highly activated by the heat that they act like microscopic cleaning “bombs”. These microscopic nano “bombs” appear to break down the cell membranes of viruses and bacteria to allow the heat to penetrate and destroy the microorganisms much more effectively and efficiently than before.

Compared with direct applied water and chemical disinfection, this method kills thousands of times better and with tremendously greater speed. In fact with regular use, the cleanliness approaches sterilization. And since you are killing so many more bacteria and viruses without leaving behind any residue, the surfaces you clean will remain cleaner longer and will be easier and faster to clean in the future.

Because this unique process changes the mineral structure and prevents scaling inside the boiler, the boiler warranty on the LadyBug TANCS units have been extended from 3 years to 8 years and the warranty on all other the parts has been extended from 1 year to 3 years. Even if you don’t necessarily need the extra sanitation power of TANCS, you are receiving a 5-year extended boiler warranty protection for a very reasonable price per year. And the additional benefits are the speed and efficiency with which you can kill germs and bacteria, savings in electrical costs, increased life span of the machine, and cleaned surfaces that will stay cleaner for a longer period of time while promoting a healthier indoor environment.

LadyBug Steam Cleaners with TANCS start at $1,499.95 with standard accessory package.
