Steam Cleaner – Carpet Cleaning

Ladybug Steam Cleaner Customer Review – Steam Cleaning Carpet Stains
Contributor: Patricia T.

From: Patricia T. (Last Name and Email Address have been withheld)
Subject: Customer feedback on Ladybug Steam Cleaner
Rating: Excellent

Hi, We’re SOOOOOOOO impressed with your product that I’ve told 2 friends about it and they’re going to buy the same unit from you! They know that when I say that this unit removed latex paint that was in our plush carpet for 2 YEARS that I don’t fool around. Also, our dog had thrown up in 2 big areas on the same rug, leaving 2 very ugly yellowish rings about 9″ to 12″ in diameter and they wouldn’t come out no matter what we did – UNTIL we used the Ladybug and now, those spots are GONE GONE GONE GONE GONE!

Are we excited? You bet!!!!! Are we happy customers??? ABSOLUTELY!!!!! Will we recommend your Ladybug to absolutely everyone we meet & talk to? You can COUNT on it!Thank you so very much for developing such an awesome steamer! The only question I have is this – on your video, you said the 2200 had an attachment (like an oval grey plate) that you attached to the unit to wrap the cord around. Was I mistaken in this?

Thanks again for such an awesome product!

Mrs. Pat T.

PS. (My husband only got excited about it when he saw the deep lilac paint disappear from the light grey/blue pile rug on the stairway landing – then he was more excited when he didn’t see the stains from our dog’s ‘deposits’).

Ladybug continuous flow vapor steam cleaners and Ladybug commercial steam cleaners are available at

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