Steam Cleaner Review – Steamax Vapor Steam Cleaners

Steam Cleaner Ratings and Reviews

Rating: – 4 Stars – Very Good.


  • The STEAMAX vapor steam cleaner took 13 minutes to heat up which is fast for a machine of this capacity.
  • The steam was very hot and dry and cleaned very well on all the usual household cleaning tasks in kitchen, bathroom and beyond.
  • The attachments were easy to attach and change. Not as easy as our high end vapor steam cleaners but easy nonetheless
  • The steam cleaner was light and easy to pull around the room. We thought that this was a big plus for normal consumer usage.
  • The attachments that come with it were the basics. It had a large rectangular brush, a triangular brush, window cleaning tool, small and large round nylon brush, and a two wands and a hose.
  • The STEAMAX has a good quality stainless steel boiler which accounts for the steam cleaner heating up fast and the steel will ensure longevity.
  • The unit will run for approximately two hours, which is really quite long enough for most people running around doing household clean up on the weekend!
  • The STEAMAX has a variable control for the steam on the handle. You can choose low, medium, and high. We thought that this was especially useful and nice to have with a vapor steam cleaner at this price point.


  • The STEAMAX does not have a pressure gauge, and we missed being able to gauge where you are when the machine is warming up. Also, if you have a pressure gauge, you are able to monitor the quality of the steam as you clean.
  • The window-cleaning tool leaves streaks and does not clean the entire area easily.
  • The steam control on the handle is a nice feature but it could be better. It has a low, medium, and high setting which are activated by pressing two buttons in different positions. What we found was the low setting was too low at times and the medium too much, and the same went for the medium and the high.
  • It is not a continuous fill steam cleaner so after two hours of use you would need to let it cool down, refill it, and wait for it to reheat so there would be around a half hour stoppage. The best recommendation would be for the user to make sure they fill it to the brim every time they use it, so it does not run out of steam 15 minutes into their next cleaning time.

We like the Steamax steam cleaner. It has a good quality stainless steel boiler and is easy to use and maneuver. It heats up fairly fast and will run for two hours. We recommend it as a good mid-priced machine for a smaller home for light applications.

Priced at $799.95
Optional steam cleaner accessories available.
