Ladybug Steam Cleaner Fan Letter

Steam Cleaner Reviews – A New Ladybug Vapor Steam Cleaner Fan
Contributor: Donna M.

When I purchased my new Ladybug steam cleaner, I was seeking a good way to deep clean my carpets which suffer from my two large house dogs and an inability to keep grass growing in the areas they like to wrestle with each other before coming in to sleep on the carpet! We are in the process of remodeling our kitchen and will be installing about 600 square feet of tile which I know will need frequent cleaning also. So, they were my two large concerns and I was trying to find a product that would take care of both jobs.

The more I searched the internet the more I realized the traditional carpet cleaners were not for me; my rugs and carpets would be constantly wet. The steamer popped up as another option for this type of cleaning and it intrigued me to think I could clean the carpets, rugs, floors and so much more. As I mentioned to you, I raise dogs and raw feed so my kitchen becomes a butcher shop every month which greatly increases the chances of Salmonella and Ecoli being introduced to my kitchen. The idea of a machine that would also disinfect my kitchen gained a lot of favor in my mind. When I learned I could also steam weeds and rid the yard of them without very dangerous chemicals, I was convinced I had to have one!

There was a mix up when I ordered because when I called to track it my message was misinterpreted and my order was cancelled. Luckily I was able to connect with one of your customer reps and she straightened it out and put my order back on track. I received the cleaner the night before I was leaving town to help my daughter who had broken her foot. Since I was so excited to try it, I brought it with me and her house became my training ground. We cleaned her carpets, her oven, their Bar-B-Q, her throw pillows and then we were both totally impressed when I read that it would clean leather so we went to work on her very soiled leather sofa. We took years of built-up dirt off that leather sofa and restored its color in the process. Quite an impression and amazing.

I returned home and my Ladybug steam cleaner has been at my side just about every day. I find I can go from one project to the next with total ease; simply change the tool and keep going. I thought the glass cleaning aspect would be unrealistic to use but find I depend upon it to clean my windows and mirrors with ease and perfection. My baseboards and trim work shine and there is no more hidden dust or built-up grime in the corners that are impossible to clean by any other means. It is the most versatile appliance I have ever had and can’t stop bragging about it to my family and friends.

Our house is a wonderful 97-year old lady and like so many really old homes, it is not air-tight and has a lot of trim work, beaded board and molding. As a result, it has been a challenge keeping up with all the grooves and niches and crannies that accumulate dust and dirt; my Ladybug blasts that dirt out of those tight places and leaves the woodwork looking like it just had a fresh coat of paint. The entire house smells clean and sparkles. One of the tricks I have learned is to just use the nozzle attachment with no brush and follow up by wiping the surface with the small towel after applying the steam jet. In this way it acts much like a pressure cleaner and gets the dirt out of the tight areas. I love it!

I am so happy I opted for the continuous fill model because once I get to cleaning, I can refill the water container as many as 6-8 times in an afternoon. There is no conceivable way I could do that with a model that would require me to cool it down before refilling and then wait for it to heat the new supply of water. Besides that, the Ladybug is so well made that the attachments go on and off with a simple slide switch and connect with a positive latching sound that lets you know it is ready to go….again! And, those same attachments allow you to switch from cleaning a floor to cleaning the refrigerator in no time. There is no need to keep doing what you are working on and come back later to pick up what you missed…..just do it when you come to it and keep going. It could not be easier or quicker.

I guess you can tell I am completely satisfied with my Ladybug; I rave about it every time I use it and that is almost every day. Even though it is pricey, it is well worth it because it is such a multi-tasker; all you need is a good vacuum and a Lady Bug….. no more chemicals, no more elbow grease. The dirt actually dissolves before your eyes. Talk about dissolving, it is the best method ever for getting rid of bugs from your windshield and leaving the auto glass like it just came out of the factory.

I think that sums it up pretty well, I plan on continuing to find new ways to use my Ladybug steam cleaner and am sure it will continue to amaze and delight me as time goes by. Thank you for carrying such a wonderful product, I will keep spreading the word because I think every household should have one.

Donna M

Please visit our website to see the LadyBug Steam Cleaner
