Nasal Irrigator Review for Sinuses

Grossan Nasal Irrigator: Hydro Pulse reviewed

Contributor: Laura

Rosemarie –
First allow me to apologise for the delay in testing the Nasal Irrigator. Working late and weekend festivities during the holidays wore me out.

I began with the directions. I am very impressed. Whoever wrote the instructional pamphlet should write them all. It was SO easy to understand. Any fear or apprehension on using the product was erased completely. I felt very familiar with the product as I began to set it up and use it.

The product is somewhat an embarrassing one, however, I found after using it there was no more “offensive” than when you use toothpaste and spit it out. Yes, I did get ribbing from my husband when I brought it home.

The sample packs inside the box for the solution made it simple to create the solution. I popped on the tool and within 5 minutes I was done.

I AM HOOKED. It was actually pleasant to clear out my sinuses. An hour later I am still breathing clearly. The salty solution was neither stingy nor irritating.

I do hope you’ll allow me to keep it. I suspect that there will be 3 a.m. usages when I am so stuffed up I can’t breathe. I also suspect that my yearly nose irritations that become infected will cease.


Latex-Free Grossan Hydro Pulse Nasal Irrigator is pleased to announce that the Grossan Hydro Pulse Nasal Sinus Irrigator is totally latex (rubber) free.

This is important because the incidence of latex sensitivity is rapidly rising – an estimated 16 million in the US – and exposing a latex sensitive to rubber products while he is washing out his nose and sinuses, instead of clearing his sinus condition, might actually make it worse.

Some very sensitive persons have even experienced serious reactions when exposed to latex unexpectedly.

It will be welcome news to many latex sensitive persons that they can use the Hydro Pulse for nasal / sinus irrigation without concern about their safety.

Dr Grossan’s Hydro-Pulse Nasal Irrigator for sinus sufferers is available at

For more information on the control of sinusitis visit our Sinus Center.
