Dust Mite Covers – Pillow Cover

Dust Mite Covers for Pillows – Cotton Fresh Pillow Covers
dust mite covers - pillow cover
It is the season for purchasing dust mite covers and I have been sent several samples recently to evaluate. These dust mite covers will never even see the light of day on our web site. I would be embarrassed to sell them. To put it bluntly, they feel and look like a cross between Pampers, an incontinence sheet and a paper napkin from Burger King. Who in their right minds would want to sleep on these dust mite pillow covers? I could not even persuade anyone in our office to use them for free! That is why we have gone to the trouble of importing Cottonfresh pillow covers from England. Yes, they are expensive, but there is enough interest from club members that we have orders made up in American sizes for comforter and mattress encasings.

Typical are the unsolicited emails from members: “It has been such a blessing that I found your site! I received my Cottonfresh barrier pillow covers and am thrilled with this product. They are so soft and cool. No more “crinkling” noises in my ear as I toss or turn. I would like to see their line of products offered by the Club.” Jean Osmond (with permission)
