Clean Home Essentials Mini Dehumidifier Review

Clean Home Essentials Mini Dehumidifiers
Clean Home Essentials Mini Dehumidifiers

We decided to test out the Clean Home Essentials Mini Dehumidifier in a small bathroom with no windows or ventilation. With little ventilation, the bathroom becomes the perfect area for mold and mildew to attack all surfaces and make the time spent showering uncomfortable. Add a humid summer day and we have the perfect storm. This was the ideal time to see what the Mini-Dehumidifier can do.

1. Room Coverage Based on 24 Hour Moisture Removal
2. Noise Level
3. Low Temperature Operation
4. Quality of the Continuous Drainage Option Included (Ease of hose attachment, location above the ground to improve the flow of water w/ gravity and provides the hose) Not Applicable
5. Bucket Capacity
6. Size, Weight and Maneuverability
7. Ease of Access to Bucket & to Remove and Replace
8. Energy Rating
9. Ability to Access Filter & to Remove, Clean and Re-install Not Applicable
10. Quality of Construction & Warranty
11. Value for the Price


  • Lightweight, compact and barely takes up any room.
  • Because of the poor ventilation there was a small problem with mold and air quality in the past, especially on those humid days. While running throughout the day, the mini-dehumidifier sucked up some of this moisture and provided much improvement in air quality.
  • After showering the walls and towels were always wet and damp for some time. After running the mini-dehumidifier, everything in the bathroom began to dry out at a quicker pace. Was great for drying out the towels so they weren’t still damp the next time they needed to be used!
  • An added plus while using the mini-dehumidifier throughout the day in a bathroom is it didn’t produce any heat and used very little energy cost as compared to larger dehumidifiers.
  • Very simple operation with on/off button.
  • Bucket is conveniently located on the front of the unit and is very easy to remove and replace.


  • Since the unit does not use a compressor, the small unit will struggle when removing the heaviest of the moisture.
  • No continuous drainage option.
  • Only suitable for a very small area.


We were very pleased with how effective the unit’s unique Peltier technology performed in a small bathroom (despite the unit’s small size). It was perfect since there was no room to fit a large, bulky dehumidifier. We were impressed with how it helped with preventing mold, mildew and stuffiness especially after showering. Since this dehumidifier is so small in size it will not have enough power to remove large amounts of moisture compared to mid-sized models. However, when used properly it will get the job done in closets, wardrobes, RVs, bathrooms, pantries and other smaller areas with humidity issues.

Links: Clean Home Essentials Mini Dehumidifiers | Small Dehumidifiers
