Kumi Kookoon – Silk Duvet Coversil

kumi kookoon silk duvet coverWhen you sell luxurious silk bedding like that made by Kumi Kookoon, you run the risk of spoiling your spouse forever. These silk duvet covers are without doubt a little bit of wonderful decadence and when a customer changed their mind about an order, I was first in line! And so it was that a Kumi Kookoon silk organza duvet cover made its way into our home. “Is this silk?” queried my husband as he ran his hand over the cover approvingly. On learning that indeed it was, he urged me to get another one, so we would have one always ready for changeovers. I have to admit that it is really handsome and the workmanship is simply superb. You would never think that a man would be so in love with a silk duvet cover but you may well be as surprised as I was.

