Air Purifiers Smoke and Odor Control – IQAir and Blueair

Air Purifiers Smoke and Odor Control – IQAir and Blueair Customer Comments
Contributor: Jean O.

Hi Mary Jo,

I just wanted to let you know that the IQAir Healthpro air purifier that I had ordered the end of July 2002 has been a Godsend for me. Sunday, approximately 10 miles from my home, a wild fire started in the Angeles National Forest. A day later, the mountains about 3 miles north of where I live were ablaze. The temperature was over 100 degrees, the smoke chokingly thick and ash was falling everywhere.

With the heavy smoke enveloping the community, there were many suffering from the ill effects. TV broadcasters were telling people to stay indoors with their windows and doors shut. Luckily, I was running both the IQ HealthPro and the Blueair purifiers full blast so I did not have any odor of smoke inside my residence.

The fire has continued to march eastward and is estimated to burn another month or so. This has been deemed one of the worst fires to hit Southern California. I thank for testing and recommending the best purifiers on the market.

Please continue to test, recommend and sell the best products out there.

Wishing you and yours the best.

Jean O
La Verne, Calif.
