5 Ways to Alleviate Seasonal Allergies

Spring is a time of renewing and rebirth for nature. It’s something we look forward to at the end of every winter. However, the rebirth of nature also comes with the rebirth of seasonal allergies. With pollen floating through the air and tissues being bought in bulk, people are desperate to alleviate their allergy symptoms. If this sounds like you, here are 5 things you can do to help your spring allergies.

1. Use an Air Purifier for Seasonal Allergies

Allergy control starts at home. Pollen tends to settle where you least want it. Have you ever gone out to your car and noticed a layer of pollen sitting on it? Imagine that settling in your home and breathing it in all day and while you sleep. Allergy air purifiers are specifically designed to remove floating particles of pollen and other allergens from the space its cleaning.

If an air purifier sounds like a good solution to your allergy problems, consider these factors before purchasing one:

  •  Square footage you need cleaned
  •  How much noise pollution you can tolerate
  •  The type of allergen you need removed from your space
  •  Your budget

2. Try a Dehumidifier for Seasonal Allergies

When the air is humid, it’s a gold mine for mold, mildew, and dust mites. Tiny mold spores float through the air and like to settle in damp places. Dust mites tend to thrive in comfy areas like bedding or rugs. If your home tends to get humid starting in the spring, consider trying a dehumidifier to help eliminate spring allergies.

A  home dehumidifier works to remove the dampness in the air and therefore remove unwanted allergens. Double check the capacity rating on the dehumidifier you purchase to ensure that it can clean your entire space.

3. Drink Natural Tea Remedies

While we can’t say for sure whether natural tea will cure anything, many people claim certain teas can reduce allergy symptoms. In combination with a dehumidifier or air purifier, consider sipping an herbal tea for sinus relief. Certain spices, leaves, and even citrus fruits are often used to open the nasal passages or ease other ailments.

4. Visit an Allergist for Treatment Seasonal Allergy Treatment

If you prefer a medical professional’s advice when it comes to seasonal allergies, make an appointment with a specialist in your area. An allergist can properly diagnose your allergy and help you devise a plan for managing your symptoms. He or she might suggest a medication, a natural remedy, or regular deep cleaning of your home. Be sure to ask for a range of options before deciding on the right one for you.

5. Deep Clean Your Home

Allergens that get into your home will settle into your carpet, bedding, clothes, and more. Those with allergies might want to do some extra spring cleaning to reduce allergens in their space. A steam vacuum cleaner is a good way to remove any pollen or dust that’s wedged its way into your carpet or other fabric-covered areas of your home.

Pollen will also make itself at home on kitchen counters, coffee tables, nightstands, and anywhere else it sees fit. Regularly clean these areas of your home to keep from breathing in the allergen.

Say Goodbye to Your Allergies

Sneezing, coughing, and blowing your nose shouldn’t be an everyday thing. Air purifier and dehumidifiers can remove allergens from the air you breathe, making spring a season you actually enjoy. Check out our range of allergy products and find the relief you need.
