Small Portable Dehumidifier Review #SD652

Small & Portable Dehumidifier
Small & Portable Dehumidifier

Our small portable mini-dehumidifier is an excellent choice for someone who is looking to dehumidify a small area such as a bathroom, closet, food pantry, or RV without creating a lot of noise or expending a lot of electricity. It is small and light enough to take with you when you travel.

1. Room Coverage Based on 24 Hour Moisture Removal
2. Noise Level
3. Low Temperature Operation
4. Quality of the Continuous Drainage Option Included (Ease of hose attachment, location above the ground to improve the flow of water w/ gravity and provides the hose)
5. Bucket Capacity
6. Size, Weight and Maneuverability
7. Ease of Access to Bucket & to Remove and Replace
8. Energy Rating
9. Ability to Access Filter & to Remove, Clean and Re-install Not Applicable
10. Quality of Construction & Warranty
11. Value for the Price


  • Compact size and suitable for closets, wardrobes, pantries and other smaller areas with little ventilation
  • Has continuous drainage option in case you don’t want to constantly empty the tank. For example, the user can set the dehumidifier a few feet up and use the included hose to continuously drain the water into a larger bucket.
  • Quiet operation
  • Uses very little energy
  • Easy operation with simple on/off button


  • Will not dehumidify large areas
  • May have difficulty removing moisture under extreme humid conditions


I have a 10′ x 12′ attic area that doesn’t have much air circulation and gets rather humid during those hotter months. Since I store many of my belongings there I wanted to keep the humidity levels down and prevent mold growth, musty smells and any other potential damage. This dehumidifier is about the size of a shoebox and fitted nicely in the corner of the room. It was extremely easy to set up and only takes a simple on/off button to operate. It is basically silent with a small fan noise but this wasn’t a problem since it’s in an area where nobody is living in. After running for 24 hours I went to see how it did and noticed that it extracted about a 1/2 cup of water (this gave me the idea that it was working properly). Over the course of a few days, it kept on removing the excess moisture and I noticed the room didn’t feel as wet and sticky. For once it didn’t feel like the humidity and moisture was just sitting there wreaking havoc on my belongings.

I ran this unit almost everyday 24/7 during the summer and it ran efficiently without any major issues. There was one moment where it sounded like the fan was beginning to fail but I turned it off, removed the tank, placed it back in and waited an hour before turning on. When I started it back up, the noise went away and it continued to operate perfectly fine. Overall, I felt comfortable knowing that this tiny unit was doing the trick with any additional moisture that was being generated during one of the most humid summers we’ve had in a few years.

Slowly but surely this mini-dehumidifier will reduce humidity levels in smaller enclosed rooms, such as closets and food pantries. If you are trying to dehumidify a bedroom or larger areas, you will probably want to use one of our larger residential dehumidifiers.

Links: Mini Portable Dehumidifiers | Portable Dehumidifiers
