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What to Look for in an Air Purifier for Your Home

In the era of Amazon, the market is flooded with options for anything you want to purchase. Consumers are inundated with endless products, brands, and advertisements for what we’re looking for and it leaves their heads spinning. When it comes to buying an air purifier for your home, you want to cut through the craziness and get the facts, which is what we’re doing today. Follow these simple guidelines for what to look for in an air purifier for your home.

Why do I Need an Air Purifier?

Before you shell out any money for an air purifier, you need to determine what to look for exactly why you need one. Everyone has their own reasons but most commonly air purifiers are used to ease allergies, pet smells, or just to clean the air for health reasons. Your ‘why’ will lead you to the best air purifier to meet your needs.

Do you have bad allergies every spring?

Then you’ll want to look at air purifiers that are specifically built with your allergies in mind. Allergy air purifiers will clear the air in your home of allergens like pollen or dust mites.

Are you allergic to your dog you love so much?

Then a pet air purifier might help alleviate your symptoms. It also will help clean the air of pet dander and the smells that often come with having a furry friend in your home.

What Size and Where will it go?

Air purifiers are designed for the size of a room it can clean. Some purifiers are industrial and can clean several thousand square feet while others are meant for a small living room. Decide where you want your air purifier to go and then measure the size of the room it will need to clean. Continuously cross-reference this information while researching purifiers.

Consider how often you need a purifier to filter the entire volume of air in a space as well. Look for the air purifier’s Air Change per Hour rate (ACH). Depending on your reason for purchasing one, certain allergies may require a higher ACH rate.

Additionally, pay attention to the different air purifier categories. There are many specifically designed for a bedroom or even a baby nursery. The products offered in these categories may be more helpful than a non-specific air purifier.

What features do I need?

We all look at car features before buying one, so why not look for specific features you want in your purifier? Different brands might have standard features that are better for you. These features might include:

Double check that air purifier features you want are included in the air purifier you’re looking to buy.

How much Maintenance is Involved?

Some air purifiers need to have their filters changed or cleaned more often than others. A HEPA filter that only needs to be changed once a year might be better if you have a busy life and don’t want to add something else to your to-do list. Other purifiers might require a filter change more often than that. Look at the manufacturer’s recommended filter change timeline to get a sense of how often and how expensive a filter change will be.

Finding your Air Purifier

Whatever air purifier you’re looking for, Allergy Buyers Club is bound to have it. Our experts find the best air purifiers on the market and make it easy for you to research and compare them. Take a look at the wide-range of purifiers and find the right one for you and your family.

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